Tuesday, March 10, 2009

as i promise...

As I promised, here are some pictures of my chinta hati~Razeeq Awaluddien:). This one was taken last saturday, before going out to OU looking for his new stroller:)

So this one..

This one taken after work on the first day I left him with his nanny..kesian dia..:(

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Finally..saya jumpa cinta hati saya :)

Today is Friday. So ??ape kena mengena Friday ngan cinta hati saya?? hahaha..bacela dulu kot ye pon. :D. Hari ni genap 5 hari I started my work, after having a long holiday. 69days of holiday.. so lazy to get back at work, but sitting at home being a real housewife sumtimes might be boring as well :)..and I have no choice at all..NEED TO GET BACK TO WORK!!

I finally become a Mommy :) to Razeeq Awaluddien on 21st Dec 2008 (well, nnt auntie eira n auntie ain boleh celebrate birthday same2 dgn anak saya!! hehe). And the feeling? cannot be described with words..fantastic??amazing?? still not enough to describe it..Its all about satisfaction..grateful..happiness..glory..everything blended beautifully in a cup of life. I feel so complete; having a husband and now a son of mine (my flesh blood).

Without noticing that almost 3 months passed by. He now able to smile, gain his weight each day (dulu 2.75kgs skrg sudah 6kgs)..rasa puas hati tgk die membesar. Eventho giving a birth is actually painful, but slowly the pain went away with time. And now I only understand what people told me few months back. :D Thanks to Allah for giving me strength and thanks to all, who keep giving me supports and prayers. Only God Knows :).

Back to the experience. I was having some contractions since early morning 19th Dec 2008. But it wasn't frequent (due to my reading and gynea, contractions occured every 5-10mins).So I decided to take MC on that day and it continues on the next day. (I still like..asking myself..masenye dah tbe ke??..takutnye..hihi). The next day, same thing happened again. I dah tak larat actually but kesabaran tu ade lagi.Rase macam nk suoh caeser jek but I nak rase mcmne giving a normal delivery..itu adalah jalan yang lebih baek I think :). Hubby ajak pegi gynea and do some check up, baby okey, headdown and dah fully engaged..air ketuban banyak, baby aktif..fuh! thank God.. and Dr cek jalan..'Masih blum terbukak la..paling cepat pun within 3days" ..dalam hati aku "adoi, pasni mmg akan lagi sakit"..wat to do?? memang itu adatnye..so, redah jekla..

Despite of having contractions, ada masa lagi I pegi Giant wif hubby and my lil sister..(looking for some groceries before giving birth)..hahah sempat lagi shopping. Abes shopping, I ajak hubby makan chicken chop kat Stizzer uptown.. makan smp kenyang..smp rumah at about 12a.m and rase tak selesa..went to toilet, ade blood spot pulak.. dgn contractions nye..bgtau hubby die paksa p spital..mane tahu kan..Smp spital, duk screening room smp 4 am naseb x ramai orang..tp Dr tak noticed any contractions and asked me to go back (sbb jarak umah n spital so close) jadi she asked me to just stay @ home, lagi selesa la kan..Thank God..Phobia aku duk ward2 ni..!!hahaha..

So pagi tuh blk la (aku tgk hubby aku dah cuak)..hahahaha..so aku truskan idup cam biase. Sunday: 10.00am, sakit datang balik, every 10mins aku siap catit lagi mase die..keep observing till 12.am..ade lagi n lagi..after Zohor shoot ke spital..again 4pm blk umah..sbb Dr observe tk de contractions..yang aku ni heran, smp je pintu spital sakit tu ilang..adoi smp bilekah???..balik rumah...hubby masak spaghetti and aku pun tolong jugak kat dapur..Dinner sgn spaghetti..at about 10pm sakit dtg lagi ..kali ni seriuosly lagi happening compared to previous contractions..haha..aku terbaring dalam bilik..sakit mcm nk poo ade..mcm senggugut pun ade..my hubby tgh layan game MU kat hall and during commercial break die dtg tgk I. .

' Abg, tolong ambilkan air zam-zam boleh? syg nk minum la..haus..mane tahukan?? kot baby dah nk kluar??' he just nodded without asking. Aku pun minum, together with selawat..smp abes satu gelas. 'Syg ok ke tak ni?? Jomla g spital?'..suddenly..rase loya.nak muntah..'Nak muntah!!!!' Hubby berlari amek bekas...'Uwekkkkkkkkk!!' kuar oregano prego bagai..:D..(maklumla dinner ngan spaghetti). Tukar baju, pakai kain batek jek..tgk kat atas cadar ade tanda..shoot trus ke spital since brg2 seme dah ready dalam kereta sbb ini adalah KALI KETIGA HOKEY P SPITAL!! and dlm perjalanan I was just praying to Allah semua ni akan berakhir dgn selamat. Doa Nabi Yunus tu tk lekang dari mulut aku. Smp spital..lega tak ramai org..and Dr yang duty ptg tadi again, dtg cek aku..

'4cm' ..she said..'after this trus ke labor room ok? nurse amek sample darah and hantar ke labor room'. Aku tukar baju..kaler pink gtew..bile nurse nk amek darah, aku rase loya lagi..i told her..'kak nak muntah dulu buleh tak?? tak tahan'...'pegila, org kate kalu muntah nk bersalin senang'..lega aku dgr :D. berlari ke toilet ..'Uwekkkkkkk!!!' kuar lagi ec perut..even tggl yang kuning je..huhuhu..dah setel tukar baju sme, I went out from the screening room to c my hubby, ambil baju , diapers, and selimut utk baby..'Abg, doakan syg tau and everything akan berakhir dgn selamat'.. he just smile..kelat..' syg dah nk masuk labor room ni' ..agak terpinge2 aku tgk laki aku tu..first time kan..mesti die cuak ..understood.:) then, nurse amek darah n tolak aku ke labor room..first time eva baring atas katil spital..huhuhu takot..ms tu perasaan dah bercampur baur..but still, my hope, semua akan berakhir dgn selamat.

Mase kena tolak, sakit nye bukan kepalang..perut memulas and mengeras..Dalam labor room, tahan je sakit..Dr dtg cek, dah 6cm terbukak..Dr pecahkan ketuban..and i still remember rupa stick tu mcmane..seigt aku, perkataan SAKIT kluar sekali je dari mulut...mase tu aku nak semua nya berakhir dengan cepat..bile semua dah ready, aku tak tahan..rase cam meneran jek..then Dr kate..'u teran when kami suoh teran ok?' sekali teran..blum cukup kuat..2 kali teran..Baby dah lemah..n terpaksa tolong besarkan jalan..kali ke3 i pushed, dengan bantuan nurse 2 org tolak perut aku ..finally, at about 3.27am rase lega sgt2...rase puas sgt2..tak tahu nk describe and aku nak tgk anak aku...'ni baby ape?' ...dgn lemah 'Boy..thank God'..'Tahniah Puan.. its a Boy' ..ALHAMDULILLAH..no drugs..hanye local anaest for some stiches (first delivery mmg akan ade epis)..

Half an hour later, seme setel and hubby datang..he took my hand..cium dahi aku..menitis airmata syukur masa tu. He asked...'dah ke blum?'...aku mmg dah tak berdaya mase tu..just nodded..tak lama baby ditolak masuk..and buat kali pertama ...aku tgk dia dengan baju and selimut yang kami belikan .he's so cute.tidur dgn selesa...hubby dah sayu..amek baby and azankan..aku hanya bersyukur je..tak de ape2 yang tak diingini berlaku..baby sihat..aku pun ok..

Bukan senang jadi ibu..and y Syurga di bawah tepalak kaki ibu?...now only I really really understand..Chenta hati saya..Razeeq Awaluddien..nnt I upload his pics okey??

while waiting for the meeting

arghhhhhhhhhhh...suddenly i feel so stress!! couldn't able to recall my username for gmail?????
first time eva..like it or not, i have to enter my secondary email etc..etc..luckily the password is
correct but not the username..wateva it is, finally, I MANAGE TO ACCESS MY BLOG!! :D
dadadadada...till then, to b cont...