Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Hate to be under stress!!

Do I really like what I am doing now? And the answer is DEFINITELY NO!! Hmpphh.. so friends, could you please teach me on how to LOVE AND LIKE the thing that I am doing right now? It has been a year and I couldn't even see any POSITIVE sign in myself saying that...... ' Ahh ..I really like this!!!..This is what I am looking for all this while!!'
I know, it's hard to get something that we really love much. But at least previously I was able to overcome this kind of feeling. Unfortunately not for this one. Clue?? It's all about work. How la ya?
Do I have to see a phsycologist? So that I probably can found any good sign and my potential in doing this job? I dunno BUT orang lain ada masalah yang lebih besar kan? So, berlaku adillah pada orang yang ada masalah yang lebih besar.
I am totally confused!!
Kalau la umur saya panjang, saya akan berhadapan dengan apa yang sedang saya lakukan sekarang ni for another 29 YEARS??!! OMG!!
Can I SURVIVE?? I mean for another 29 YEARS!!!ISK!!


Eliss said...

aku lagik lama 31 tahun...pilih option 56 ker?aku 58 br pencen..

x terpk pun sampai kesitu :P

mylongjourney said...

Eliss..ko xpnh tpk ke>> lagi TIGAPLOSATUTAUN nk servis tu? lam etuuuuuuuu..aku rase aku x berupaya nk bertahan selama tu..so kena pkkan JALAN KELUAR!!

Farah said...

saba anem..aku pon plan nak pencen kat kompeni aku skang ni hahaha...takleh ke mintak tukar department?